Giving women the tools to deal with life.
Because when we’re strong enough together we will change the world.

Women think different than men and have unique issues in this world. Women need a voice. We have fought hard for our rights and recently they have been pushed back out of our control. Culturally, in most countries, women are second class citizens. Our mission is to help women develop their skills to be leaders in the world.

Unlock Your Potential with NLP

What is NLP?

NLP, or Neuro-linguistic Programming, is a communication and personal development approach that focuses on behavioral change and mindset. However, there is much more. Over 200 tools and techniques that quickly remove any negativity and solve problems. They automatically enhance your communication skills. Mary teaches NLP completely different than any other trainer.

How can NLP benefit me?

NLP can benefit you by improving your communication skills, enhancing your emotional intelligence, and facilitating self-improvement. By using these tools and techniques you can eliminate all negative feelings. You can bring back happiness and improve/streamline your thinking.

Is NLP a form of therapy?

No, NLP is not therapy, but it can be complementary to therapy. It is more about learning for yourself the process of how your thinking works and changing your own mind. When an NLP person walks you through a process, it is up to you how much you do in your own mind and how well you do it.
Your mind is like your own personal computer that no one else can touch. It is up to you to change your mind. Only you can do this.
Each process or technique is clearly marked or written out so someone can read it to you, you can walk another person through it, or you can do it on yourself

How is hypnosis related to NLP?

NLP was first started by Richard Bandler and John Grinder sometime in the 70s or before.  I met them in the early 80s along with Robert Diltz who took NLP further into health techniques. Bandler also taught hypnosis and was an expert at this and used this in a negative way. I took his training in hypnosis and did that for a time with individuals along with past life regressions for several years. I found hypnosis to be manipulative. Bandler was interested in the manipulative aspect of both NLP and hypnosis. I quit hypnosis because of this and found a new way to teach NLP so that people were more in control of their own minds. I would prefer that people were immune to manipulation. Therefore I teach these tools and techniques in a completely different way so that you are in control of your own mind and everything you do to yourself is completely explained and under your own control. 

How do I work on myself?

Whenever I have an issue that is bothering me it is either a feeling I don’t want or an issue with another person. In general, this is what I do:
If it is a feeling, we have a technique for every feeling you do not want. We will be putting some of them up on the website that are the most common tools to use.

I start by asking myself and writing to myself an email while working through the issue:

What am I feeling that I don’t like? Answer ________________________________________

Have I ever felt this feeling before? List the time previous ___________________________

Make a sticky cloud of all the times having felt this in the past and put that cloud out in front.

Pull one picture out to represent all the others. Write to yourself what that memory is about. ____________________________________

Fix that picture with one of the techniques. This is done in your imagination. First play the movie in black & white. Put whatever info is needed into the picture. Put all the skills the other people needed in the picture. Write these skills down. __________________________________

Example: That person needs, compassion, up front honesty, integrity, kindness, maturity, etc….. Picture them and the situation as if they have these skills.
Then with your imagination, put into yourself what you needed not to have had this problem. Put back there what you now know which is _______________ List the skills you needed to not have this issue. Example: Awareness, maturity, a voice, etc…. Picture yourself this way and replay the memory “as if” you have these skills.

Generalize what you did with this one picture into all the pictures, push them out into black and white snapshots far away, pretending you have a paper shredder, shred them all up and let the wind blow them behind you. Now check into how your body feels and how important that issue is now.